There was a time when people and communities actively participated in something called barter and trade. You know, when you trade goods and services for something you or someone else might need. It was a "non-monetary" way of conducting business using the fairness, kindness and honesty policy whether if it was due to lack of money or just a good old fashioned trade off.
With all the hoopla about our economy it would seem that this just might be a great idea to revisit. This weekend was one of those such visitations back to a lost art for me. It started off with trading some of my handmade candles for a pickup load of gravel and a much needed hoof trimming for our pony Lilly. I also packaged up some of the winter stock of candles into a really nice gift basket for a Cancer Benefit which helped to contribute for raising cancer research funds for that ugly disease. (Super job by Alisha and TEAM JULIE) There was also a barter made on a handshake for my husband to do some construction duties for a new parking area to be added in next to our house. Not too shabby.
If you think about what you have to offer or what you can do for someone , sometimes you find that some great opportunities appear. Perhaps this might be a nice reminder to revisit or try out the lost art. It feels a little old fashioned in a good way and certainly makes everyone happy in the end.